Tops of Memory
2m 56s
Currently, most of the VR works are made by 3D and CG technologies. Also, most of the animation production process is shifted to the computer, which resluts in that hand-drawn animation is disappearing from many animation production sites. So it is important to seek new expression methods of VR while protecting the value of hand-drawn animation.
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POWER OFF di Mena Solipano
Una bambina vorrebbe uscire per giocare all’aria aperta, ma il cellulare di sua madre, sempre in attività , glielo impedisce.
Based on teleportation, it deals with how a young leader from her planet lands here to take the situation back in control. Overview: To change the gloomy-doomy present of her planet Kneon, Sam unleashes on a journey that indeed seems like a pipe dream. Putting together all her strengths and super...
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