Season 4 follows the continuing adventures of the plucky Pantsless Detective, Richard Panceliss, his intrepid intern, Smitty, and the truehearted Temperance Friday as they solve mysteries and right the wrongs that need rightening.
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Episode 2- The Semiconscious and the ...
Season 4 follows the continuing adventures of the plucky Pantsless Detective, Richard Panceliss, his intrepid intern, Smitty, and the truehearted Temperance Friday as they solve mysteries and right the wrongs that need rightening.
Episode 3- Remembrance of Betrayal Pa...
Season 4 follows the continuing adventures of the plucky Pantsless Detective, Richard Panceliss, his intrepid intern, Smitty, and the truehearted Temperance Friday as they solve mysteries and right the wrongs that need rightening.
Episode 4- Remembrance of Betrayal Pa...
Season 4 follows the continuing adventures of the plucky Pantsless Detective, Richard Panceliss, his intrepid intern, Smitty, and the truehearted Temperance Friday as they solve mysteries and right the wrongs that need rightening.